About FHS - Contact
Falmouth Heritage Museum:
60 Woods Road
Falmouth, Maine
(next to the transfer station)
Phone: 207-781-4727

Click on map to enlarge
Society Mailing Address:
The Falmouth Historical Society
190 US Route One PMB 367
Falmouth, ME 04105
Email: info@thefhs.org
Website: www.thefhs.org
Social Media:
The arrival of chilly weather brought an end to hours when the Museum is open to the public. We will open the Museum by appointment—weather permitting—for an individual, family, or group.
We respond to emails and messages left on our telephone answering system.

Summer (June-early October)
- Most Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Winter (November-May)
The museum is closed due to the high cost of utilities and maintenance for a 19th century house during a Maine winter. Despite our best efforts to clear any snow and ice, the area around the steps is often slippery; the safety of our visitors and volunteers is a concern.
We are still busy online. If there is something in our collections you would like to see, we can make that happen.